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A corruption of Jesus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Jesus and Messianic prophecy — Christians commonly believe that many verses of the Hebrew Bible are prophecies of the Messiah and that these were fulfilled in the life of Jesus, with the rest to be fulfilled by his Second Coming. (A minority, called Full Preterists, believe… …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus' Name doctrine — is a minority nontrinitarian theology, characterised by a belief that baptism must be performed in the name of Jesus , rather than the more common Trinitarian formula in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . The Jesus… …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus Gil — Jesús Gil Gregorio Jesús Gil y Gil (né le 12 mars 1933 à Osma (province de Soria, Espagne) mort le 14 mai 2004 à Madrid) est un homme politique et d affaires espagnol. Sommaire 1 Un homme d affaires controversé 2 Références …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jesús Blancornelas — (b. 1936, San Luis Potosí ndash; d. 23 November 2006, Tijuana) was a Mexican journalist.BiographyHe was born in San Luis Potosí, where he held his first job as a reporter. In 1960 he moved to Tijuana, Baja California, where, in 1977, he founded… …   Wikipedia

  • corruption — (ko ru psion ; en poésie, de quatre syllabes) s. f. 1°   Rupture d un ensemble, altération en général. •   Pour peu qu on veuille s appliquer à bien examiner ce système, il sera facile de se convaincre qu il est le meilleur, le mieux proportionné …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Jesus in Ahmadiyya Islam — According to the early 20th century teachings of the Ahmadis of Kashmir Jesus of Nazareth did not die on the cross, but after his apparent death and resurrection he journeyed to Kashmir to teach the gospel, and that he then remained in India for… …   Wikipedia

  • corruption — The corruption and decay and death to which the present world is subject. Peter (Acts 2:27) quotes Ps. 16:10, which is a thanksgiving for preservation from these evils. At that time it was assumed that the psalm was written by King David; but… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Jesús Gil — Gregorio Jesús Gil y Gil (né le 12 mars 1933 à Osma (province de Soria, Espagne) mort le 14 mai 2004 à Madrid) est un homme politique et d affaires espagnol. Sommaire 1 Un homme d affaires controversé 2 Références …   Wikipédia en Français

  • JESUS OF NAZARETH — (5 B.C.? 30 A.D.?)    the founder of CHRISTIANITY. He was given the title Christ by his followers to acknowledge their BELIEF that he was the expected MESSIAH of Israel. JEWISH authors reject this claim although some, along with MUSLIMS, accept… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Nativity of Jesus — For other uses, see Nativity of Jesus (disambiguation). Adoration of the Shepherds by Gerard van Honthorst, 1622 The Nativity of Jesus, or simply The Nativity, refers to the accounts of the birth of Jesus in two of the Canonical gospels and in… …   Wikipedia

  • Genealogy of Jesus — Rose window in Basilica of St Denis, France, depicting the ancestors of Christ from Jesse onwards …   Wikipedia

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